Σάββατο, Ιανουαρίου 28

Errinerung and die Maria A.

Try reading it with this backround music starting from 1:45

Upon that day in the blue moon September
Beneath a sapling plum tree, quietly
I held her there, my quiet, wan beloved one
Within my arms just like a lovely dream.

And over us in the fair sky of the summer
There was a cloud on which I gazed for long
It was so very white and so immensely lofty
And when I looked up, it was gone.

Since that day so many, many months
Have floated down and floated past.
The plum trees probably were felled
And if you ask me what’s become of love

I’ll answer you: I cannot recall
And yet it’s certain I do know what you mean.
But, truly, I no longer can recall her face
I just recall: I kissed it then.

And that kiss too I would have long ago forgotten
Had not the cloud been present there
That I recall and always will recall it
It was so white and came from high above.

Perhaps those plum trees still bear blossoms
And that woman now may have her seventh child
That cloud, however, blossomed just for minutes
And when I gazed up, faded in the wind.

Berthold Brecht